Thread: Migraines
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Old 06-26-2015, 10:40 PM
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golittleperson golittleperson is offline
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Second Kathleen on the botox - I have nerve damage in my face, chronic so I get these odd off emails and I just forwarded one to my nephew who has chronic migraines. Long article short was the actual people using botox and 7/10 were singing praises. Most said did not stop them completely but significantly reduced number and severity. Several even mentioned that it was covered by medical insurance.

Also old wives tale, when you feel the migraine coming on - put your hands in ice water, as cold as you can stand and flex hand out and to a fist alternately. Can't hurt?

I had them years ago (found my trigger and put a stop to those things) but I was lucky. Hope you find your solution, they can stop you in your tracks.
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