Thread: Migraines
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Old 06-26-2015, 02:46 AM
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Default Migraines

Does anyone have chronic migraines? If so, have you had any positive experience with nerve blocks or botox?

I had a nerve block done today so I'll see how long that lasts. I didn't get the full treatment though. I lost count of how many shots I had. The doctor started to give me shots around my eyebrows and I refused to let her. The only way anyone will ever get near my eyes with a needle is if they knock me totally out first.

I'm on Topamax as a preventative medicine and she's going to increase that dose. I'm still having at least 20 headache days a month. There are a couple of other preventative medicines but I can't take one of them because I have relatively low blood pressure and it would make my bp bottom out.

Anyway... just wondering if anyone else has this and what your experience has been and what has worked for you if anything.
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