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Old 05-20-2015, 12:13 AM
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Becky Becky is offline
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Default My Bon Jovi Happy Moment for the Day

One of our low functioning students is 21 so he will be "graduating" next week. Anytime I go into his classroom, he sings for me. I always ask him to sing Bon Jovi or Keith Urban. He knows Keith songs, but he said he didn't know any Bon Jovi songs at first. His teacher told him he did know Bon Jovi songs he just didn't know he knew them, so she pulled some up online and he realized he knew some of the hits so he's added Prayer and Wanted to songs.

Anyway, I got him the Cross Road CD for a gift to remember me and told him to think of me whenever he sang Bon Jovi songs. He was so excited about it! I debated which greatest hits collection to get, but since We Weren't Born to Follow was on the newer version, I decided I couldn't inflict THAT on the poor kid! LOL He's my little buddy and I'm going to miss him.
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