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Old 10-08-2015, 01:34 PM
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Becky Becky is offline
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Default Recurring dream about Jon

I never have the same dream twice, but the theme is recurring--Jon having a grandchild.

In the first one, he was MUCH older because the grandchild did a tribute to him at some TV special where he was being honored (this one was a boy). When Jon thanked the boy for introducing him, he said quickly 4 names before he got the right kid's name--anyone with multiple kids or pets has done this at some point. It was an endearing/funny moment. Some younger artists had played some of Jon's songs in tribute to him before Jon sang.

The second one, I don't really remember, but still, something about Jon having a grandchild.

Last night after I finally went back to sleep, I dreamed that Stephanie announced to her parents that she was expecting by giving them some sort of gift that left the question of boy/girl open. He was very happy about it and in tears. Jon said that it would be a good excuse to call Richie because even if he didn't care about him, he did care about Stephanie.

I don't mind the gray hair, but maybe it's getting to me.

Or maybe I'm dreaming of grandchildren in a symbolic way--usually a dream about a child means a big change on the horizon. The first two dreams were both prior to the announcement of the record company departure.

Or maybe I just need more f-ing sleep!!!!!!!

**Don't know who the parent of the first two were.
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Last edited by Becky; 10-08-2015 at 01:38 PM..
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