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Old 05-23-2017, 11:47 PM
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Dave 1986 Dave 1986 is offline
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I rarely go to gigs these days (not because I'm afraid of anything. I just don't do a lot of them anymore) but something like this doesn't put me off doing so. It's easy to feel uneasy after certain events such as last night but if everyone did this, that means these evil perverse individuals have won. Which they haven't and never will.

I'm going to London Film and Comic Con in July for the third year running. Am I scared? Not really, and I'm gonna be just as on my guard walking around London as much as I always have been there and anywhere else I go. As much as we'd all rather these horrible events didn't happen, what makes the UK and other countries great is we just soldier on and get on with life and not let said people get in the way of that.

If I die tomorrow, have I said all I can say?

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PSN ID: Dave_Hedgehog86

Bon Jovi Concerts:
28th June 2003, Hyde Park, London
9th June 2006, St. Mary's Stadium, Southampton.
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