Thread: Yasmin Mitri
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Old 08-10-2017, 06:26 PM
JackieBlue JackieBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by Becky View Post
Thanks. Like I said, I had no idea who this person was so now I can let my friend read this post and it will answer for her.

She had actually asked about him being married for a year to this woman who was a prostitute and I said, "That's a totally new one on me!" LOL

And Lexi is David's 2nd wife right? That name popped into my head when I was brushing my teeth last night. Talk about random!
Not a problem. Tell your friend, if she wants to know more, that all she has to do is Google the name and she'll have more information than she knows what to do with. (You can also tell her that while Richie wasn't married to a prostitute, he was married to a groupie for over 11 years.)

The man has been involved with some interesting partners over the years for sure. I imagine they all have, truth be told.

And yes, David's wife is Lexi. I originally included that in my response, too; but I deleted it since that wasn't what prompted your post. I figured it would come to you sooner or later; and I'd probably already written way more than you wanted to read.
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