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Old 12-08-2014, 11:16 PM
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11/15/2014: Mixed martial artist War Machine faced a preliminary hearing in Clark County District Court in Las Vegas Nov. 15...Christy Mack and her friend Corey Thomas...testified during the hearing.

Thomas said he ended up in the hospital with a broken nose and dislocated shoulder...Mack detailed her injuries from the night of the assault...She also said he threatened to kill her and her family several times...

After Mack confirmed there had been sexual violence, War Machine laughed and shook his head. The defense objected to a request by the prosecutor for War Machine’s reaction to be on the record. However, Judge Melanie Andress-Tobiasson saw it clearly. “I watched him laugh,” the judge said.

War Machine is due back in court to be arraigned on Thursday, Nov. 20...
Mack has stated publicly that War Machine had threatened to have sex with her whether she wanted to or not, but couldn't quite, uh, get started. Did he laugh because it's so obvious that he could have had sex with her if he'd wanted to? This could be the big break in the case that the defense needs!

11/20/2014: Jonathan Paul Koppenhaver, 33, spoke during his brief arraignment in Nevada state court to acknowledge that he understood the 34 felony charges against him, and to enter his plea. Charges include attempted murder, kidnapping, sexual assault, attempted sexual assault, battery, strangulation and coercion. He told a judge at his initial Nevada court appearance in September that he would use the name Koppenhaver in court...

(The) Clark County District Court Hearing Master...set trial for Feb. 17 (2015) before Judge Elissa Cadish.
12/3/2014: ...(A) judge revoked his probation yesterday and has invoked a 1 1/2 - 4 year sentence she had originally suspended in 2012. The probation was conditional on his not leaving Nevada, however, during his stint of evading arrest in August, he left the state and was eventually captured in a Los Angeles hotel...

His attorney, Brandon Sua...said the prison sentence had no immediate practical effect since his client already is being held without bail in isolation at the Clark County jail.
Koppenhaver didn't simply leave Nevada to avoid arrest, he packed his things and moved to San Diego -- didn't his probation officer notice?

As for the "immediate practical effect," he won't be getting out of jail for up to four years even if he's acquitted of the current charges -- oh, and the judge has the option of NOT giving him credit for the time he's served prior the revocation. So you'd better start minding your manners, Laughing Boy -- especially since you'll be in front of a female trial judge!

Video of 11/15 testimony including 911 call (Graphic/Trigger warning):

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

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Old 02-18-2015, 04:45 AM
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The trial was supposed to start today, but the most recent story I could find is this:
Quote: MMA fighter and alleged domestic abuser War Machine is awaiting trial on charges that he beat ex-girlfriend Christy Mack nearly to death. War Machine's brother Michael has been issuing jailhouse letters from War Machine on the fighter's Twitter page:
Just so you all know I have been to jail two other times, for one year each time, so it isn't "jail" that made me find Jesus, otherwise I'd have found him before, and this trouble that I am now in would have never happened...I have found him because: I finally woke up! Period. Yeah, it took a horrible situation to wake me up, but I was deaf and blind to the truth, so He did what needed to be done, and I'm happy for that. Had I not woken up, I'd be sitting in here brooding, hating, and plotting "revenge". And what would that do for anyone?

The time comes when you have to realize that a life of sin will continue to lead you to pitfalls, and you must change. I have tried "changing", tried being "good" in my eyes – of course it failed – good can only be measured in God's eyes.

When I get out things will be so different for me. Before I lived for sex. Hundreds and hundreds of women...I was popular, people wanted my picture...(But) it was never never really made me happy inside.

The way of evil is not the business...Don't mess with that Instagram crap, don't watch porn, all that stuff just makes you lustful and causes you to forsake what you already have. I relationship with Christy because of lust...
That's right, folks -- War Machine has done got religion, and just in time for the trial! It would sure explain why it hasn't started as scheduled.


Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 11-02-2015 at 02:30 AM..
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Old 02-18-2015, 10:46 PM
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Originally Posted by rocknation
(The) Clark County District Court Hearing Master...set trial for Feb. 17 (2015) before Judge Elissa Cadish...

The trial was supposed to start (Feb 17 2015), but the most recent story I could find is...(that) War Machine has done got religion...
Mystery solved:
Trial (Re)set for War Machine in Vegas attempted murder case

During a pre-trial status check on Wednesday, Las Vegas Justice Court Judge Elissa Cadish set the start of War Machine's trial for Sept. 28.

War Machine, which is the legal name for Jonathan Koppenhaver, pleaded not guilty to 34 felony charges including attempted murder, sexual assault, battery and coercion. He faces up to life in prison if convicted...
A raw deal? It would be if Koppenhaver was in jail because he couldn't make bail. But remember that he is now serving up to four years of hard time for his previous assaults: Even if he were acquitted of assaulting Christy tomorrow, he wouldn't get out for a least a year and half (if he didn't get credit for time already served). So barring any additional pre-trial hearings, see you September!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 12-02-2018 at 09:13 PM..
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Old 11-02-2015, 02:13 AM
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Originally Posted by rocknation View Post
...Even if Koppenhaver (was)...acquitted of assaulting Christy tomorrow, he wouldn't get out for a least a year and half...So barring any additional pre-trial hearings, see you September!
Make that next July:
Clark County District Court Judge Elissa Cadish granted a motion requested by War Machine's attorney just a week before jury selection was slated to begin in the fighter's assault case. The trial was reset to July 11, 2016...

The defense team cited the need for time to test knives related to the case as part of its request to postpone. In addition, the 2016 date was the first available time to accommodate potential witnesses involved with both sides.
This crime took place more than a year ago, and they have yet to do any forensics? How bottlenecked can you get?

Cadish earlier rejected a defense request to challenge Nevada's rape shield law and let the jury hear evidence of prior consensual sexual relations between him and Mackinday.
Which would have proven what? That he doesn't know the difference between sex and assault, or that he had a constitutional right to beat her up for not being home alone?

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 12-19-2015 at 11:29 PM..
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Old 11-22-2015, 02:33 AM
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Good news for War Machine! He now has a potential "pen" pal he can pass the time discussing defense strategies with -- enter Charlie "Winning!" Sheen!

In case you need your memory refreshed:
Wikipedia: On May 20, 1998, Sheen suffered a stroke after overdosing while using cocaine...Sheen subsequently checked (and was)...forced...back into the clinic after he fled...Sheen, already on probation in California for a previous drug offense, had his probation extended for an extra year...

In 2003, Sheen was cast as Charlie Harper in the CBS sitcom Two and a Half Men...loosely based on Sheen's bad boy image...

On December 25, 2009, Sheen was arrested for assaulting his wife, Brooke Mueller...As part of a plea bargain...Sheen was sentenced to 30 days in a drug rehab center, 30 days of probation, and 36 hours of anger management.

On October 26, 2010, the police removed Sheen from his suite at the Plaza Hotel after he reportedly caused $7,000 in damage...(He) admitted to drinking and using cocaine the night of the incident (and) was released after entering a hospital for observation...

During his eighth and final season on (Two and a Half Men), Sheen earned $1.8 million per episode...Production...went on hiatus in January 2011 while Sheen underwent...his third attempt at rehab in 12 months...CBS canceled the season's four remaining episodes after Sheen publicly made derogatory comments about the series' creator, Chuck Lorre...Sheen was dismissed from Two and a Half Men on March 7, 2011 (and) was replaced by Ashton Kutcher...

In the wake of the dismissal, Sheen...posted videos to YouTube showing himself smoking cigarettes through his nose and cursing out his former employers...He also made bizarre statements...suggesting that he was a "warlock" with "tiger blood" and "Adonis DNA", and that he was "winning..."
Yes, but what has he done for us lately?
Quote: Roughly four years ago, I suddenly found myself in the throes of a seismic and debilitating three-day cluster migraine-like headache…Following a battery of endless tests…it was sadly and shockingly revealed to me that I was, in fact, positive for HIV…The personal disbelief, karmic confusion, shame and anger led to a temporary yet abysmal descent into profound substance abuse and fathomless drinking…

I dazedly chose (or hired) the companionship of unsavory and insipid types…Yet, despite this loathsome and horrific odyssey…I always led with condoms and honesty when it came to my condition…(and) I was vigilant with my anti-viral program…Not missing a beat, a med dose, or one shred of guidance, quickly my viral loads became undetectable…My medical team could only shake their heads as each and every blood test returned levels revealing a state of remission…

Sadly...a deluge of blackmail and extortion took center stage...To date, I have paid out countless millions to these desperate charlatans....Locked in a vacuum of fear, I chose to allow their threats and skulduggery to vastly deplete future assets from my children...This ends today.

...My partying days are behind me. My philanthropic days are ahead of me...I accept this condition not as a curse or scourge, but rather as an help others (and a) challenge to better myself...I've served my time under pressure; I now embrace the courage, and the grace.
Well, that's a lovely sentiment, Charlie. But the time you've served under pressure has merely been probationary; your hard time under pressure is about to begin:
...A prominent Los Angeles lawyer tells TMZ (that) 6 women (have) contacted the last 24 hours (who) plan to sue Charlie Sheen for intentional infliction of emotional distress, fraud, sexual battery -- and more are on the way.

The women claim they had both protected and unprotected sex with Sheen as recently as last month, and he did not disclose his HIV status. A source directly connected with Sheen says in the last 2 years, Sheen has had at least 200 partners, so the number of women who either will sue or plan to sue will almost certainly grow exponentially...

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 11-24-2015 at 02:10 AM..
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Old 11-27-2015, 04:26 PM
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The Koppenhaver defense team might be able to give Charlie Sheen a hand by giving their "only nice girls deserve justice" defense a trial run:
Originally Posted by rocknation View Post
(According to) Koppenhaver's attorney Brandon Sua..."The media has done a good job of painting my client as a monster, but...(h)e is a good guy."

...Sua...add(ed) that his client did not do "anything illegal."
It's not illegal to beat up a porn star? Why -- because Mack's not a "nice girl," or because "her kind" think violence is sexy?

...(Mack has) been accused of not being worthy of public sympathy...If (Sua) can convince the jury that (Mack)...deceived...or provoked (Koppenhaver) sending "mixed signals"...they might decide that Mack doesn't "qualify" for justice -- she merely experienced a "consequence" of her "chosen lifestyle..."
Originally Posted by rocknation View Post
(The judge)...rejected a defense request to challenge Nevada's rape shield law (in order to) let the jury hear evidence of prior consensual sexual relations between him and Mackinday.
Which would have proven what? That he doesn't know the difference between sex and assault, or that he had a constitutional right to beat her up for not being home alone?

Las Vegas ReviewJournal:
(During a November 24) hearing on (the) sexual assault charges against...Jonathan Koppenhaver...defense lawyers argued...that alleged victim Christine Mackinday had made false rape allegations in the past...(They) also argued (that) Mackinday's work in pornography pointed to consent...her "desire, the preference, the acceptability towards a particular form of sex activities that were outside of the norm..."

Koppenhaver met Mackinday while making an adult movie...(They) often engaged in rough sex..."The jury needs to know the nature of...what was customary and consensual," Sua said outside the courtroom.

WHAT??? Dude, I was being SARCASTIC!!! But if you're going to insist on taking legal advice from me, I'm going to have to insist on billing you for a consultation fee!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 12-15-2015 at 07:07 AM..
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Old 12-15-2015, 06:15 AM
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This is Daniel Holtzclaw. The reason why he looks so unhappy because he has been convicted of eighteen sexual assault charges. And the reason why he doesn't look unhappier is because he could have been convicted of thirty-six sexual assault charges. And did I mention that he was an on-duty police officer while he was doing all that sexual assaulting?

He came up with a very clever scheme: pulling over black women in the poor part of town and attacking the ones who either flunked intoxication tests, possessed illegal substances or had arrest warrants pending. The alternative to being attacked was being arrested, and the women didn't report him because being poor, black, and subject to arrest, they very likely wouldn't be believed.

A very clever scheme. But then Holtzclaw blew it.

He pulled over a black woman who just happened to be driving through the poor part of town. She had no police record, showed no signs of impairment, and had nothing illegal in her car. But instead of sending her on her way, Holdsclaw attacked her. Well, you wouldn't believe what she had the nerve to do -- immediately drive to the next town and report him to the police! And to make matters worse, Holtzclaw's jury, despite being all white and two thirds male, had the nerve to believe her plus seven of the other twelve women who came forward and testified!

Quote: (Holtzclaw's attorney) pointed out that most of these women had criminal records — prostitution, drugs, assault and battery — and that some had provided police...with aliases (and false) social security numbers, phone numbers, and birth dates: “The witnesses that you saw in this courtroom don’t care about the truth..."

(The attorney)...called Holtzclaw an “honorable and ethical police officer...He was aggressive, he was vigilant, and he was honest...Without people like Daniel Holtzclaw patrolling the streets, what are we?”

“Safe,” one woman in the gallery was heard saying.
So there seems to be some validity to my "only nice girls deserve justice" theory. But all is not lost for Holtzclaw: since only one of his victims was "law-abiding and respectable," that might be enough for the judge to allow him to serve 78 years just to qualify for parole!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 11-08-2023 at 06:29 PM..
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Old 12-19-2015, 11:20 PM
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His side of the story:
The women met (him) in (an) exclusive nightclub...(He) had known the 24-year-old for around seven months...(He) invited the(m) to join him at his private table and bought both women a round of drinks.

The three went back to his apartment, where he offered them vodka before taking the 24-year-old into the bedroom for sex...(H)e had gone to wake the young woman to offer her a T-shirt to sleep in, or to offer to pay for a taxi home, but she pulled him on top of her and placed his hand between her legs...(He) said he might have fallen on top of the teenager while his penis was poking out the top of his underwear...

Her side of the story:
The (18-year-old) claimed she woke in the early hours of the morning to find (him) on top of her, forcing himself inside her.

The prosecut(or) had told the court: 'She said "what are you doing?" he said "it's fine" indicating that her friend was asleep. She got up to find her friend, tried to wake her but couldn't, she then tried to get out of the flat as quickly as she could...In her evidence, the complainant claimed she had pushed him off her...She said she fled the flat but did not call the police immediately because she did not want to 'aggravate the situation'...
Guess who won?

The jury didn't believe his story for a second, of course. But they acquitted him because they didn't believe HER: not so much what she said in court, but that her intent in going to a stranger's home was to drink so much she'd fall asleep while waiting for her friend to have sex. Therefore, she's not a nice girl, and therefore whatever happened to her couldn't possibly have been rape!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 12-24-2015 at 12:42 AM..
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Old 04-09-2017, 06:05 AM
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Ex-MMA fighter War Machine convicted of assaulting ex-girlfriend

Former MMA fighter War Machine was convicted Monday of 29 counts, including sexual assault and kidnapping, in a case stemming from an August 2014 attack that left his ex-girlfriend and another man bloody and battered.

A Las Vegas jury deadlocked on two counts of attempted murder, but Jonathan Paul Koppenhaver...could still face life imprisonment...

Koppenhaver did not testify in his defense. (His attorney) said...his client had suffered brain injuries during his fighting career and that Koppenhaver was using a mixture of antidepressant medication and steroids that could have contributed to dramatic mood swings and what he called “roid rage.”

...Sentencing is scheduled for June 5.
I guess he beat the top charges because not enough of the jurors felt there was any true murderous intent in his actions. Here's hoping that he will indeed end up regretting turning down a 18 to 40 year plea deal.

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 06-06-2017 at 02:25 AM..
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Old 06-06-2017, 02:32 AM
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Originally Posted by rocknation View Post
...Here's hoping that he will indeed end up regretting turning down a 18 to 40 year plea deal.
War Machine: 36 To Life Sentence for Beating Ex
...(F)or the heinous 2014 beating of his ex-girlfriend...(f)ormer MMA fighter War Machine is going to prison for life, with possibility of parole...after 36 years when he is 71...

War Machine's ex, porn star Christy Mack, made a tearful plea to the court..."I do know that when he gets out he will kill me."

(War Machine)...(said) he hates himself for committing the beating. He compared himself to Aaron Hernandez, and reminded the judge of his own attempted suicide after he was arrested in 2014.

Sounds like he still doesn't get it -- much to my delight. Anyhow, case closed:


Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 04-13-2018 at 05:46 PM..
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