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Old 09-17-2014, 08:47 PM
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Originally Posted by RS8MB0R8 View Post
I don't think anyone has a clue what to expect in the event of either outcome tbh.

The YES campaign has been so aggressive and vociferous in every aspect that I can't see it all being calmly put aside in the event of a vote for the union and on the other hand, a YES win could see anything up to and including a mass exodus of population as well as business. I would certainly be considering upping sticks and moving south if the YES campaign gets its way - that is if the outcome doesn't knock +20% off of the value of our home!

Keeping fingers crossed that some common sense wins out here particularly given that the result is too close to call according to a number of polls.
Well I don't know a bunch of Scottish people but you and Jim have always been the voices of reason here. Upon doing more research myself I have to agree with both of you that a NO vote is the way to go. Unfortunately the passions are running so high that as Jim said - it isn't all going to go away on Friday morning - whatever the outcome.

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