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Old 09-19-2014, 10:53 AM
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It depends where you want to move to, Andi. Nic and I have been looking fairly regularly at property nearer to our family down south and I have to say that it mirrors the prices here fairly closely, at least in the areas we've been looking and at properties of a similar size to the one we have now.

With respect to the vote, I am happy obviously but happier still that it was so close. A narrow result like that was always going to be the best outcome to voters of all persuasions as it is the first step in making Westminster sit up and take notice that people are growing increasingly tired of the UK's broken system.

We have to establish what changes are on the table quickly though, as I believe London will do everything it can to drag its heels and let the momentum from this result fade away in a bid to offer less. The next few months will be interesting at any rate.
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