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Old 02-28-2009, 11:10 AM
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Originally Posted by BeExcellent View Post
This from the man who thinks you shouldn't even be able to call a band shit.

You couldn't make it up.

You can call a band whatever you like, but when you call people retards or idiots for liking a band, you cross the line. Everybody's entitled to like whatever they want, wheather you like it or not.

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Old 02-28-2009, 12:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
You can call a band whatever you like, but when you call people retards or idiots for liking a band, you cross the line. Everybody's entitled to like whatever they want, wheather you like it or not.

Oh noes, i crossed the line.

Get over your hurt feelings and grow the **** up. Anyone with half a brain can see that I was lamenting the state of a world that elevates mediocrity.

Nowhere did I call any individual an idiot or a retard, but i would stand by the argument that someone whose musical taste revolved mainly around Poison and Def Leppard at the very least lacks a certain intellectual curiousity.
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Old 02-28-2009, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
You can call a band whatever you like,
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
You moron. I was agreeing with danfan and disagreeing with you and the other guy who thinks they have a right to say what's shit and what is not.
Do you even read what you type yourself?
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Old 02-28-2009, 12:25 PM
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First, learn to quote. No need to double post every time.
Originally Posted by BeExcellent View Post
It's called expressing an opinion. And not a particularly controversial one. And one that can easily be backed up with facts and examples.
There are no facts to support calling people idiots for liking Poison or Def Leppard.

That I choose to make it drunk on a friday night and use swears while doing so isn't something that a grown up should really be shocked by. The world values formulaic, predictable, unchallenging music over genuine creativitiy. There was a wider point.
Idiotic behaviour? And anyway, you still have no right to tell others what to like. Be it creative or not. And besides, you do not get to tell what's creative and what's not. It's not a fact, it's a matter of opinion. You like something, other people like other stuff. And they're as right as you.

And I damn well do have the right.
No, you don't. You have a right to your opinion, but not the right to tell people they're idiots for liking music you don't like.

Originally Posted by BeExcellent View Post
Oh noes, i crossed the line.

Get over your hurt feelings and grow the **** up. Anyone with half a brain can see that I was lamenting the state of a world that elevates mediocrity.

Nowhere did I call any individual an idiot or a retard, but i would stand by the argument that someone whose musical taste revolved mainly around Poison and Def Leppard at the very least lacks a certain intellectual curiousity.
There you go again. Judging people based on their musical tastes is a sign of an idiot. You just can't seem to grasp the idea of "taste". Everyone's entitled to their opinion, even you. But you have NO right to judge people based on their taste. Intelligence has nothing to do with your taste in music. If you honestly think that, you're going to have a very interesting live ahead of you.

You don't have the right to tell other people what to think no matter what you think. You can say that you think a band is shit, but that's not the ultimate truth. You can NOT call someone an idiot for liking a band. Do that and I promise I'll **** with you every time.

And no, my feelings aren't hurt. I couldn't care less what you think of my taste in music. I really don't. People with self-esteem as bad as you seem to have aren't too high up on my list of people I give a damn about. I respect people who respect others, not people who think they get to tell others what to do.

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Last edited by Iceman; 02-28-2009 at 12:38 PM..
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Old 02-28-2009, 12:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
But you have NO right to judge people based on their taste.
I have every right to do that. It's called having a personality.

Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
Intelligence has nothing to do with your taste in music.
Except it does. Some music demands concentration, the ability to understand themes and motifs, to be open to new ideas and new cultures.

Poison demands the listener to enter a 1980's timewarp and has nothing more profound to say than "Every Rose Has it's Thorn". C chord. G chord. C chord. G chord. C chord. G chord. If that's all it takes to satisfy your mind, your heart or your soul, you ARE a ****ing idiot. It's practically the definition.

Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
You can NOT call someone an idiot for liking a band. Do that and I promise I'll **** with you every time.
And every time you'll make a ****ing fool of yourself. If only you had the self-awareness to realise it.

Originally Posted by Iceman View Post

People with self-esteem as bad as you seem to have aren't too high up on my list of people I give a damn about. I respect people who respect others, ]
not people who think they get to tell others what to do.
For example, by living in a fantasy world, reading way more into people's posts than were originally intended and frankly just making shit up -"people who think they get to tell others what to do" - puhlease, as if i ever said anything even close
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Old 02-28-2009, 12:56 PM
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Originally Posted by BeExcellent View Post
I have every right to do that. It's called having a personality.
Ok, you call it "personality", the rest of the world calls it "being an asshole".

Except it does. Some music demands concentration, the ability to understand themes and motifs, to be open to new ideas and new cultures.
No, it doesn't. What you're referring to is called analysis. You can do that if it makes you happy, but it has nothing to do with listening to music. If that were the case, computers could write perfect songs. The amount of chords, the complexity of the composition or the tempo changes have nothing to do with creating a good song.

But then again, seeing what you like, you probably wouldn't know a good song if it bit you in the ass. Which is why you have to justify your taste by putting down others. A classic sign.

Poison demands the listener to enter a 1980's timewarp and has nothing more profound to say than "Every Rose Has it's Thorn". C chord. G chord. C chord. G chord. C chord. G chord. If that's all it takes to satisfy your mind, your heart or your soul, you ARE a ****ing idiot. It's practically the definition.
And again you're completely missing the point in order to try to let us know how intelligent, creative and completely perfect you are. Except you have no idea of "music". Music is about emotions, feelings. People like different things and are allowed to do so. You do not get to tell them their wrong, because you know nothing about them.

The only reason your having this "conversation" is because you love Cheap Trick. A band that created their (very moderate) success by dressing as outrageously as they could and wrote easy-going pop-songs. How does that fit in with your definition of intelligence?

I'm willing to bet my IQ is higher than yours, as mine is in the top 5%. I like 80s hard rock, including Poison. I also like Cheap Trick. And Sting. Explain that.

And every time you'll make a ****ing fool of yourself. If only you had the self-awareness to realise it.
Nope, you're the one trying to make this personal. You're the one calling people idiots and retards and making claims that listenin to Poison is a sign of idiotism. That does not make ME a fool.

For example, by living in a fantasy world, reading way more into people's posts than were originally intended and frankly just making shit up -"people who think they get to tell others what to do" - puhlease, as if i ever said anything even close
You've done it again and again. If you didn't intend on calling people idiots for liking Def Leppard and Poison you probably shouldn't have said so.

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Old 02-28-2009, 01:29 PM
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This stopped being fun a long, long time ago.

You claim intelligence and yet
  • you feel the need to defend unnamed others from a hurt you imagine they are feeling. People are able to speak up for themselves.
  • you are signally unable to grasp the point of my original post
  • you believe all music is of equal merit - just so blatently untrue i don't even know where to begin
  • You resort to attacks significantly more personal than those you are decrying yourself and fail to see the irony
  • You are a fantasist, with little grasp of logic or reasoning and an amazing ability to deliberately misread people's statements
  • You dismiss the idea that an openness to new ideas and an understanding of how music works can deapen it's impact. yes, i mean emotionally.
  • Lack a basic understanding of rights.

You say "you do not get to tell them their wrong, because you know nothing about them" and yet over the last few points have told me I have low self esteem and that i know nothing about music, cast aspersions about my intelligence and called me an asshole. Are you at all self-aware?
Set the gear-shift for the high gear of your soul.

Last edited by BeExcellent; 02-28-2009 at 01:32 PM..
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Old 02-28-2009, 01:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Lord of the Jovi Realm View Post
Def Leppard - great live until Joe sings, then very disappointing, his voice just can't take it anymore and as far back as the Hysteria tour he just can't sing the stuff live.
Really? I admit the Yeah!/Sparkle Lounge tours have not been great, but from what I've seen/heard from the Adrenalize/Slang/Euphoria tours, Joe sounded very good. Have you not seen Tokyo 1999?

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Old 02-28-2009, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by BeExcellent View Post
This stopped being fun a long, long time ago.
It was never meant to be fun.

You claim intelligence and yet
I never claimed anything, you did.

you feel the need to defend unnamed others from a hurt you imagine they are feeling. People are able to speak up for themselves.
Yeah, they are. And like I said, anytime you try to tell someone is wrong for liking something, I'm going to react. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's people who think they're better than others just because someone doesn't like the same things they do.

you are signally unable to grasp the point of my original post
No, I grasped it alright. I just disagree with it very strongly. No music is more intelligent or dignified than other. Especially when your talking about bands like Poison and Cheap Trick.

you believe all music is of equal merit - just so blatently untrue i don't even know where to begin
No, not untrue. It's a question of taste. Just like the most delicate gourmet meal might be lost to you, it doesn't mean it's crap. Also, it doesn't mean that a cheeseburger wouldn't be just as good. It's a question of taste. Something you cannot measure and can't judge. All music is of the same value, the people just like different things. And should be allowed to do so without stupid people telling them they're wrong.

You resort to attacks significantly more personal than those you are decrying yourself and fail to see the irony
Just keeping up with you. The irony is that you can't grasp what's being discussed and still try to use the same arguments dismissed a long time ago.

[quote]You are a fantasist, with little grasp of logic or reasoning and an amazing ability to deliberately misread people's statements[/quote]

Wasn't it you who spoke about personal insults and irony? Well, pot kettle etc.

You dismiss the idea that an openness to new ideas and an understanding of how music works can deapen it's impact. yes, i mean emotionally.
No, YOU do exactly that. You're so hung up on complexity and chor progressions that you totally missed that. If you were open, you'd say, "Oh, I don't like the Poison songs people seem to like, maybe I should look into this. Why do they like this and I don't". Instead, you call them idiots. Again, insults and irony. From YOU.

Lack a basic understanding of rights.
No. Freedom of speech let's you say basically what you want. But morally you can't dismiss the opinions of others. And you certainly can't insult people because of their opinions.

You say "you do not get to tell them their wrong, because you know nothing about them" and yet over the last few points have told me I have low self esteem and that i know nothing about music, cast aspersions about my intelligence and called me an asshole. Are you at all self-aware?
I never said YOU had any of those things. I said that the way you act implies those things. Looks like I hit home. And I never said you know nothing about music. And I also didn't call you an asshole. I called people who tell others they're idiots for liking someone assholes. According to you, you don't do that. So?

And what a wonderful way to completely dismiss the arguments I gave. Again, a classic sign of a person who doesn't know how to back up their arguments. Say that "this isn't fun anymore, I'm going home" and then thinking they were right. No, you just gave up.


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Old 02-28-2009, 02:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
I never said YOU had any of those things. I said that the way you act implies those things.
Christ. You actually believe yourself....

Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
Ok, you call it "personality", the rest of the world calls it "being an asshole".
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
But then again, seeing what you like, you probably wouldn't know a good song if it bit you in the ass. Which is why you have to justify your taste by putting down others.
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
I'm willing to bet my IQ is higher than yours,
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
People with self-esteem as bad as you seem to have aren't too high up on my list of people I give a damn about.
Set the gear-shift for the high gear of your soul.

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