Thread: Metallica...
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Old 08-20-2016, 06:00 AM
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Rdkopper Rdkopper is offline
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I mean who doesn't like The Black album but the real core of Metallica is everything prior... And Justice For All was their first breakthrough commercial success in America... But to be honest, I can't pick a favorite. Songs like Seek and Destroy are just classic Metallica and still get me going... if I had to pic one, it might be Fade To Black... Killer drumming... I wasn't crazy about Load and ReLoad... Something was off... There were a few great ones and maybe if they just combined the best from the two together, I might have a different opinion but they tried to create the Black album magic and it just didn't work... after that my Metallica obsession kinda went away for a while... I liked alot of covers from Garage Days but that was what it was... just like with Bon Jovi, they've done it all and I don't think much is left in the tank... I need to hear both albums to post a real opinion as to where they are now... but I'd love a Metallic tour and even more so and GNR / Metallica tour like the old days...

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