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golittleperson 11-03-2016 02:24 PM

Jon and Richie have both said that a good song is written from their perspective but could be changed to apply to anyone in the audience. I think this song is a great example. I used to love to intrepret literature and the first thing you did was look at the writer - where he/she is in their life, the world so many factors. Thinking that way - I see this as still on Jon's Integrity statement. I think it is the band and the love affair with the fan base. He's not going anywhere, yet anyway. He knows the "new" will show up but when the bottom line hits he will still be there to drive us home. (More accurately "They" but first person since Jon is writer)

Now, the audience is free to apply it to their relationships or what ever emotion it evokes in them.

Just got my UPS notification of a delivery Tomorrow!!!! Only one thing I'm expecting.

(Jimmy) 11-03-2016 03:24 PM

There will likely never be another classic rock band or even a classic song for that matter. Not in the age of digital downloads.

Like the song says, there's a new gun in town. And there will be a faster one before the day is done. A song is only a hit until the next download replaces it these days. Usually about a day or so. And, really, that's all the new bands are trying to do. Sell an mp3 and whatnot. Theres no meaning in it, really. Just glitz to get enough attention for an immediate transaction and then they're in the wind. See ya. Nice knowing ya. Right? That's how it is these days. Here today, gone tomorrow.

Anyway. I was a bit annoyed by the record at first just because it seemed so radio friendly. After a few spins, it's okay.

This is my favorite song on the album after giving it some time. But Touch Of Grey is pretty good, too. So gbeter to pick up that release with the extra track on it. It's better than a lot of the other songs actually. And certainly reflective of the times. Plus that album sounds crisper than the Target one for some reason. Not sure why. I played it on 7.1 virtual surround channel, though.

Good vocal depth on this song, too.

SSM12 11-04-2016 08:02 AM

I understand the way it can be about the bands staying power, but I see it as a love song.

Typically when BJ have songs about the bands success etc, they have been more up tempo in your face. The atmosphere, in this, to me, suggests a very romanticly themed song.

Boy has or had girl. Girl gets hit on, maybe even seeing someone else, but "protagonist" knows he will be the one she ends up with. A strained relationship of sorts.

With that said, I love it because it's ambiguity over the interpretation and the beautiful, simple melody.

Kukoc7 11-04-2016 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by (Jimmy) (Post 1213191)
There will likely never be another classic rock band or even a classic song for that matter. Not in the age of digital downloads.

Like the song says, there's a new gun in town. And there will be a faster one before the day is done. A song is only a hit until the next download replaces it these days. Usually about a day or so. And, really, that's all the new bands are trying to do. Sell an mp3 and whatnot. Theres no meaning in it, really. Just glitz to get enough attention for an immediate transaction and then they're in the wind. See ya. Nice knowing ya. Right? That's how it is these days. Here today, gone tomorrow.

Anyway. I was a bit annoyed by the record at first just because it seemed so radio friendly. After a few spins, it's okay.

This is my favorite song on the album after giving it some time. But Touch Of Grey is pretty good, too. So gbeter to pick up that release with the extra track on it. It's better than a lot of the other songs actually. And certainly reflective of the times. Plus that album sounds crisper than the Target one for some reason. Not sure why. I played it on 7.1 virtual surround channel, though.

Good vocal depth on this song, too.

Really solid observations here (Jimmy). I realize I was pretty harsh on you before due to my initial passion which may or may not have blinded me temporarily from any
I just felt at the time, you were giving up on this album and band too soon.
Even within our difference of opinions, I appreciate you had a slight change of heart in regards to the album as a whole, and it's certainly refreshing to witness some positive words even if I need to respect your opinions, either way.

PanosBonJovi 11-04-2016 10:00 AM

I will drive you home is about this specific masterpiece that's left out once again from a Bon Jovi album.

Could be a hit, it's an amazing song, both Touch of Grey and this. Can't stop listening to both.

soundfire624 11-04-2016 10:51 AM

He sold his dodge viper and stick to his old's about a classic car he has imo

B.J. Always 11-05-2016 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by PanosBonJovi (Post 1213358)
I will drive you home is about this specific masterpiece that's left out once again from a Bon Jovi album.

Could be a hit, it's an amazing song, both Touch of Grey and this. Can't stop listening to both.

Does anyone have a way to get that song on the Forum? I think it is about the band and their fans just reading the words, but I would love to hear the music. I'm trying to decide which version to buy U.S. or U.K.

B.J. Always 11-05-2016 08:14 AM

I finally thought to go to the Amazon U.K. site and got to hear about 30 seconds of it and gee I'm going to have to get use to Jon singing in a lower range!

Becky 11-05-2016 06:54 PM

I'm so lost in Jon's voice I don't give a damn what it's about. Therefore, I'm voting for love song. Ha ha ha. Okay, seriously, I think either way you look at it, it holds up. But, back to the vocals, it can be about a tractor for all I care. Those vocals are mesmerizing.

kenobi_on_a_prayer 11-05-2016 07:53 PM

Obviously it's about how Fast Cars is an awesome song and you're all poorer for not seeing that.:p

In all seriousness (though I do seriously dig Fast Cars) I think it's just a love song about a relationship that's stood the test of time.

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