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Iceman 11-11-2009 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 956844)
IMO, It's better than Slippery, which means it's in their top 5 albums.

Ummm. NO.

Let me see why... Slippery is the best album of all times, The Circle is bad even with Bon Jovi standards.

I don't think much of The Circle. It's not a big riff rock record that Jon said it would be. It's not a rock record. It's not even a good pop record, it's just lame. No passion, no feeling just crafted songs with "meaningful" messages.

Who the **** came up with the idea that Bon Jovi should sound like U2? What's with the freaking violins in every other song? It's a band with 5 members, let them play their instruments.

If Bon Jovi ever come to Finland again, I will have to think very hard if I even want to pay money to see them anymore. It's been a downhill since 2000 and it doesn't seem to get better.

There are other people and bands that can stil make music with the passion they had 30 years ago. Why can't Bon Jovi do that?


Captain_jovi 11-11-2009 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Iceman (Post 956945)

Who the **** came up with the idea that Bon Jovi should sound like U2? What's with the freaking violins in every other song? It's a band with 5 members, let them play their instruments.


That's an interesting view point. Personally, I don't hear the album as being over saturated with strings. I think Bounce went way to far, having strings on maybe 3/4 of the album. On this album, I hear it on maybe...1/4 of the tracks.

RSSfan 11-11-2009 03:40 PM

I've listened to it a few times and put it on the shelf yesterday. I expected a big "rock" record like Jon and Richie have been saying for months. I think it's more pop than anything. Disappointed.

BJaddict 11-11-2009 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by RS8MB0R8 (Post 956730)
For what it's worth, I wasn't going to post because I actually still love the album and it's been played to death because of learning songs. I have to add though that everyone has a right to say they don't feel anything for it and if the reasons behind why you think it's a decent album are restricted to those you listed, perhaps you are just easily pleased.

I dunno why, but i pass upon posts here and there, claiming that the individuals playing big heads around this message board are actualy complicated wankers that portray themselves as the ''know it all''s hiding behind their computer screens.

I don't know why i'm even replyin to you, but, easily pleased? dude, comn', Bon Jovi is all about getting easily pleased, Livin on a Prayer is crude proof onto what easily pleased is; you want to talk to me about easily pleased? I'll send you some of the stuff you should listen to in private, to learn what easily pleased is, bozo.

Every band has a poppy side to it, otherwise none would be selling any material; though the poppy sound can fluctuate every now and then from album to album, from song to song, but its definitly there; Nirvana had a certain poppy sound to them, U2, scorpions, enuff zenuff...etc

I, as many others reading those message boards, was kinda impressed with the stuff you and some others were writing about the new Jovi album at first, a return to These days? good guitars? like ermmmm ok why not, I like the These Days album, but i'm not a psyco over it; its just another set of songs from some 14 years ago; don't get me wrong, everywhere i went in the past 2 weeks i was talkin good stuff to all friends of the new BJ album; old-time rockers and guitar players, i was tellin everyone they should listen to the new Jovi album its back to ''These Days'', as per you supposedly ''big head'' (x-wankers?) posters around thought The Circle was THE shit.

I've even openned up ''Bon Jovi New Album'' threads on some alien message boards.

Knowing that where i come from, Bon Jovi has lost lots of fans after the 90's ended; but i reckon that was due to the change in the music scene as a whole; it had nothing to do with Jovi becoming less rocky or not.

Not to drift, I was taken by your blashemy on how The Circle is THE shit, i actually liked it, for many reasons; mainly the lyrical content, not that it concerns you, but it complied much with where i'm in right now; strange enough if you ask me, the best thing about BJ either in the 80's or now is the lyrical fabrication they come up with;

So with this much load of optimisim and great expectations inquired by your likes, it sort of blew it for many people; you should've held your horses hun, a good album only is recognized as a good after a certain period of time, not upon the first listen; anyway why i'm finding it good at the moment, is due to the guitar build-up in Superman Tonight or due to the ''comn now''s in broken promiseland; quite frankly its not an x-wanker behind a screen thats gonna tell if thats easily pleased or not :D, just go play with your nintendo, or whatever game console they have for you geaks nowadays.


It has a lot more to offer IMO, which is why I really like it but what sounds good to one person's ear doesn't to another's. Maybe it'll grow on some listeners, maybe it won't but being able to discuss topics like this is what makes this board better than BSWJBJ. If you see it as whining, don't read these topics. :roll:
I almost forgot about the whining thing, its completely healthy when some whines every now and then, or if someone is a bit disapointed onto some album, but for ****s sake people like Supersonic have been whining around for almost a decade man! some psycologic work should be involved here, this much pessimisim can't by any means be described as sane. :D no pun intended, we're just foolin around.

I'm no homophobe, neither have i any complexes that a little teenger with a big arse be listennin to the same stuff i could be listenin to sometime; but i sure have the right to feel sick at the negative vibe every now and then around here; i've been a member since like 6 years now, with a username that dosn't make sense; i never bothered to post somethin meaningful as to i don't find rock music this much of an issue to waste time on doing that much analysis.


*-- Vallie --* 11-11-2009 05:04 PM

At first I was too pissed about ticketprices to like it. After a few times, I start to like to really like it. Now I listened a lot the past 2 weeks and now it's getting a bit boring honestly...
It's ok.. but to say it's the best album since These days??? HELL NO
Everyone has his opinion, mine changed a lot the past weeks. Don't think that's a good sign :) Or maybe Im still too pissed..

LeaJovi 11-11-2009 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Makedde (Post 956639)
Seriously, is there?

I have all the other albums, and every album I find I can sing along to, or sing the words in my head. The Circle, I cant. I dont mind WWBTF, and WWWB is a beautiful song, my favourite, but the others just pale in comparison. There isnt a song I like enough to sing along to. The lyrics dont get stuck in my head like songs from other albums.

I can listen to the album all the way through, but there is just something missing. I dont like it enough to want to hear it again. I have tried to like it, have listened to it numourous times, but its not happening. Its just not catchy enough. Its actually boring.

I am hoping there is someone out there who knows what I mean? Am I the only one who was disappointed in this album???

I so agree with you. Even with WWWB. The only song worth something to me from the record.

RS8MB0R8 11-11-2009 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by BJaddict (Post 956992)
I dunno why, but i pass upon posts here and there, claiming that the individuals playing big heads around this message board are actualy complicated wankers that portray themselves as the ''know it all''s hiding behind their computer screens.

I don't know why i'm even replyin to you, but, easily pleased? dude, comn', Bon Jovi is all about getting easily pleased, Livin on a Prayer is crude proof onto what easily pleased is; you want to talk to me about easily pleased? I'll send you some of the stuff you should listen to in private, to learn what easily pleased is, bozo.

Every band has a poppy side to it, otherwise none would be selling any material; though the poppy sound can fluctuate every now and then from album to album, from song to song, but its definitly there; Nirvana had a certain poppy sound to them, U2, scorpions, enuff zenuff...etc

I, as many others reading those message boards, was kinda impressed with the stuff you and some others were writing about the new Jovi album at first, a return to These days? good guitars? like ermmmm ok why not, I like the These Days album, but i'm not a psyco over it; its just another set of songs from some 14 years ago; don't get me wrong, everywhere i went in the past 2 weeks i was talkin good stuff to all friends of the new BJ album; old-time rockers and guitar players, i was tellin everyone they should listen to the new Jovi album its back to ''These Days'', as per you supposedly ''big head'' (x-wankers?) posters around thought The Circle was THE shit.

I've even openned up ''Bon Jovi New Album'' threads on some alien message boards.

Knowing that where i come from, Bon Jovi has lost lots of fans after the 90's ended; but i reckon that was due to the change in the music scene as a whole; it had nothing to do with Jovi becoming less rocky or not.

Not to drift, I was taken by your blashemy on how The Circle is THE shit, i actually liked it, for many reasons; mainly the lyrical content, not that it concerns you, but it complied much with where i'm in right now; strange enough if you ask me, the best thing about BJ either in the 80's or now is the lyrical fabrication they come up with;

So with this much load of optimisim and great expectations inquired by your likes, it sort of blew it for many people; you should've held your horses hun, a good album only is recognized as a good after a certain period of time, not upon the first listen; anyway why i'm finding it good at the moment, is due to the guitar build-up in Superman Tonight or due to the ''comn now''s in broken promiseland; quite frankly its not an x-wanker behind a screen thats gonna tell if thats easily pleased or not :D, just go play with your nintendo, or whatever game console they have for you geaks nowadays.

I almost forgot about the whining thing, its completely healthy when some whines every now and then, or if someone is a bit disapointed onto some album, but for ****s sake people like Supersonic have been whining around for almost a decade man! some psycologic work should be involved here, this much pessimisim can't by any means be described as sane. :D no pun intended, we're just foolin around.

I'm no homophobe, neither have i any complexes that a little teenger with a big arse be listennin to the same stuff i could be listenin to sometime; but i sure have the right to feel sick at the negative vibe every now and then around here; i've been a member since like 6 years now, with a username that dosn't make sense; i never bothered to post somethin meaningful as to i don't find rock music this much of an issue to waste time on doing that much analysis.


Do you actually even try to talk sense or is it what ever pops into that head of yours that just emerges in written form?

You're getting a bit jumpy at the mere suggestion that you are 'easily pleased' aren't you? The purpose of the thread was for people to convey why they can't get into the new album and then you come along and slate them for it. As I said before, I love the album and whilst I don't understand why others might not, I accept that they don't have to.

If you took my review as gospel, more fool you. However, I wasn't the only one pointing out that this was the best thing since These Days - although, it is IMO. I'm honoured that you think my review gave some sort of all-knowing insight into it that you stupidly went and posted here, there and everywhere without having heard it yourself at the time. I'm certainly not about to apologise for writing an openly honest account of my take on the new material, especially seeing as I still stand by that review some two weeks since first hearing it.

And seriously man, WTF was your last paragraph about. I want some of whatever you've been smoking.

ticos_stick 11-11-2009 06:29 PM

There's no accounting for taste.

BJaddict 11-11-2009 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by RS8MB0R8 (Post 957013)
And seriously man, WTF was your last paragraph about. I want some of whatever you've been smoking.

I wish i had some, would've done them right away :( they say we got the best quality weed in the world in Lebanon.

I usually go along with These Days music as soon as a joint is put.

Tictoc 11-11-2009 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by BJaddict (Post 957019)
I wish i had some, would've done them right away :( they say we got the best quality weed in the world in Lebanon.

I usually go along with These Days music as soon as a joint is put.

You're a funny guy. Don't let these tossers get you down.

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