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Javier 10-27-2014 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by NicoRourke (Post 1182932)
He sounds and looks like such a jerk - I think he should get his feet back on the ground.

This whole I'm the boss shit is so damaging.

I watched it again to see if I was remembering it right or if I was exagerating. He does sound like a freaking jerk, and Richie sounded like such a tool in those 20 seconds they showed of him. They should just let Tico handle the interviews from now on, he seems to be the only one in the band that I have any left interest in hearing from....

faith1985 10-27-2014 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by NicoRourke (Post 1182932)
He sounds and looks like such a jerk - I think he should get his feet back on the ground.

This whole I'm the boss shit is so damaging.

I though about what Realsatire means in English, I even looked it up:

satirical reality!!!

I think now I know why Jon is the Boss: The Boss can't get fired. Problem solved :p
The only part where he doesn't seem to be bored and annoyed to be there was when he was asked about his daughter. If I where him I wouldn't allow these questions in interviews.

But actually: talking about the moods of somebody I don't know personally is boring and pointless, so where is the music to talk about;)

Rdkopper 10-27-2014 10:27 PM

I actually thought it was a good interview. Try answering the same questions over and over again for 30 years. Anyone would get tired of that after a while.

I just think Jon was in a bad mood but he actually liked the guy interviewing him so it balanced him out.

The most exciting part was Jon playing the harmonica in the beginning.

SadieLady 10-28-2014 04:42 AM

I thought the interview was fine and that he wasn't a jerk at all. He was interviewed on a performance day when a lot was going on. He sounded like a human being and not a fake showman. Jon has been asked the same questions hundreds of time and there are no new answers but he did seem to try and be engaging to the interviewer/audience. I thought he shut down questions about Stephanie in a nice way by saying she was fine, thanking people for their kindness and saying that there was really nothing more to say. I know there are examples of grumpy/pissy Jon out there but this isn't one of them.

faith1985 10-28-2014 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by SadieLady (Post 1182941)
I thought the interview was fine and that he wasn't a jerk at all. He was interviewed on a performance day when a lot was going on. He sounded like a human being and not a fake showman. Jon has been asked the same questions hundreds of time and there are no new answers but he did seem to try and be engaging to the interviewer/audience. I thought he shut down questions about Stephanie in a nice way by saying she was fine, thanking people for their kindness and saying that there was really nothing more to say. I know there are examples of grumpy/pissy Jon out there but this isn't one of them.

I didn't mind Jon in the interview and well, if he has to mention the whole CEO thing over and over again, well...(but I still think the questions are always pre-discussed) It is just stupid how people here analyse every single breath Jon takes. The 'funny' part for me was the interviewer and I can't imagine how boring it must be to hear the same damn questions all the time. Even I get bored listening to them.

KSantaFe 10-28-2014 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by faith1985 (Post 1182944)
I didn't mind Jon in the interview and well, if he has to mention the whole CEO thing over and over again, well...(but I still think the questions are always pre-discussed) It is just stupid how people here analyse every single breath Jon takes. The 'funny' part for me was the interviewer and I can't imagine how boring it must be to hear the same damn questions all the time. Even I get bored listening to them.

I find Aussies (being one of them myself) so annoying when they interview Jon because they try to be funny and lack a deeper understanding of the band. Maybe I'm just being overly critical of my own people :P


Supersonic 10-28-2014 05:07 PM

Aloha !

Jon's only answering the same questions over and over again because he's quite a bland person to begin with. He's got nothing to say about anything, will never really voice his true opinion because he's too afraid it'll damage the size of his fanbase. Everything is calculated, and it's made it very boring.

What also doesn't help is how he doesn't seem to want to talk about his music, because he only believes in it when it's riding high in the charts, as opposed to thinking it's the best stuff he's done before it's actually been released. There's plenty of artists who have had to answer the same questions over and over again and still manage to make it through an interview without it turning to a giant yawnfest.

Paul McCartney's still being asked about a band that broke up over 40 years ago and he's still answering the questions as if he genuinely cares for the question. It's something with manners and all of that. For whatever reason Jon seems to think that he's too important nowadays to be answering questions about an album cover. He just doesn't seem to get that if you've got nothing to say with your music, people won't bother to ask about it either.

Salaam Aleikum,

faith1985 10-28-2014 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1182948)
Aloha !

Jon's only answering the same questions over and over again because he's quite a bland person to begin with. He's got nothing to say about anything, will never really voice his true opinion because he's too afraid it'll damage the size of his fanbase. Everything is calculated, and it's made it very boring.

What also doesn't help is how he doesn't seem to want to talk about his music, because he only believes in it when it's riding high in the charts, as opposed to thinking it's the best stuff he's done before it's actually been released. There's plenty of artists who have had to answer the same questions over and over again and still manage to make it through an interview without it turning to a giant yawnfest.

Paul McCartney's still being asked about a band that broke up over 40 years ago and he's still answering the questions as if he genuinely cares for the question. It's something with manners and all of that. For whatever reason Jon seems to think that he's too important nowadays to be answering questions about an album cover. He just doesn't seem to get that if you've got nothing to say with your music, people won't bother to ask about it either.

Salaam Aleikum,

I honestly think the quality of the music has nothing to with the quality of the interview. Even back in the 90's there were questions about hair, looks, family, woman in general, 'making it', 'working hard", if I remember correctly.
The only thing that was new was this 'I am the CEO /dictator (haha) and the 'don't believe the hype and your own bullshit' which contradicts itself a bit...yeah, but now I am starting to analyse things I either don't care about or think are a bit funny.
And yes, playing the harmonica, the CEO talk was calculated of course.

It is funny, I only watch interviews when they are posted here to find out that I don't care. My own personal logic.

crashed 10-28-2014 08:32 PM

talking about Jon's voice, which was the topic - I just found this video from Sebastian Bach from 2010 I think.

Absolutely shocking from someone I once considered probably the best singer in rock:

Alphavictim 10-29-2014 05:23 AM

Bach was all over the place even back in the day. Dude always oversang like hell.

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