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rocknation 09-03-2014 07:32 PM

Motley Crue's STILL dissing Bon Jovi -- Give it a rest, guys!
My Facebook is turning up reports from Motley Crue fans that Vince Neil (who looks like he's swallowed a refrigerator in one gulp) is STILL dissing Bon Jovi onstage. Which would be pathetic enough if this wasn't their good riddance -- I mean, going out of business -- I mean, farewell tour. Grow up and shut up, you guys -- Bon Jovi out success-ed you fair and square!

Supersonic 09-03-2014 07:35 PM



Originally Posted by rocknation (Post 1181626)
My Facebook is turning up reports from Motley Crue fans that Vince Neil (who looks like he's swallowed a refrigerator in one gulp) is STILL dissing Bon Jovi onstage. Which would be pathetic enough if this wasn't their good riddance, I mean farewell tour. Grow up and shut up, guys -- Bon Jovi out success-ed you fair and square!

Great post this. Some info about your Facebook page, your opinion on it, a picture to beef things up and then nothing about the actual things Vince said.

But as for Bon Jovi "out succeeding them fair and square..." who gives a sh1t? That's irrelevant, really. Plenty of stars that have been critical about Bon Jovi have pretty much said the same things many die hards have said as well. I don't understand why people rate the opinion of a celebrity as more important or relevant than the one of your average Joe.

Salaam Aleikum,

rocknation 09-03-2014 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1181627)
...(A)s for Bon Jovi "out succeeding them fair and square..." who gives a sh1t? That's irrelevant, really. Plenty of stars that have been critical about Bon Jovi have pretty much said the same things many die hards have said as well. I don't understand why people rate the opinion of a celebrity as more important or relevant than the one of your average Joe.

I couldn't agree more that's it's irrelevant -- but that's is all the more reason why it's high time that Vince found something else to talk about.

ticos_stick 09-03-2014 07:50 PM

Motley Crue may be a bit of a joke but The Dirt was a great book and far more interesting than anything Bon Jovi have put into the literary world. And as for the music? where would the stripping world be without Dr Feelgood?

rocknation 09-03-2014 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1181627)
Great post this. Some info about your Facebook page, your opinion on it, a picture to beef things up and then nothing about the actual things Vince said.

Fair enough. The Facebook message doesn't mention what was said, but it does mention that he got the crowd to boo for Bon Jovi, so I think it's safe to presume it wasn't complimentary. Unless what actually happened is that he told them to say "Bruce" -- which would have been a even BIGGER diss! No, forget that: if Motley Crue were THAT clever, they WOULDN'T be having a "going out of business" tour... ;)

P.S. If I hadn't posted the picture, you would have complained that I hadn't provided proof that Vince is "beefier" than he used to be!

Lucas_Roli 09-03-2014 10:35 PM

Can someone please here fill me in with the Motley Crue and Bon Jovi feud?
I saw a video with both of them back from 88 I think and I thought they were friends.

rocknation 09-03-2014 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Lucas_Roli (Post 1181637)
Can someone please here fill me in with the Motley Crue and Bon Jovi feud?
I saw a video with both of them back from 88 I think and I thought they were friends.

In a nutshell, they had the same management, and as Bon Jovi's fame and fortune grew, the Crue started to feel, shall we say, a little neglected? Better yet, watch this video and pretend that the boy is Vince Neil, the new baby is Bon Jovi, and the mother is Doc McGhee!

ticos_stick 09-03-2014 11:56 PM

I think the crux of the problem started with Doc Magee at the Moscow Peace Festival but resentments were probably already there.


Mötley Crüe have been on record stating they were upset with McGhee at this point in time. They felt McGhee was favoring Bon Jovi, whom he also managed, and whom Crüe disdained. When Bon Jovi closed the show, they used pyrotechnics, which Mötley Crüe had been told they could not do (McGhee claims it was a malfunction on one side of the stadium that he didn't hear because he was backstage). Sebastian Bach of Skid Row, whom McGhee also managed, says Tommy Lee went over to him and said "Your manager's a ****ing asshole" and chugged most of a bottle of vodka Bach had been drinking (up to this point, Lee has said, it was the first time the band had done a show sober). Then he ran up to McGhee, punched him in the face and told him he could go manage The Chipmunks because he was no longer Mötley Crüe's manager. Bon Jovi fired him as well shortly afterwards. Lee and his bandmates were still so angry they refused to fly home on the same plane as McGhee.[1]
There's a chunk in The Dirt where Tommy Lee explains in more detail what happened, it's hilarious to think he was at the side of stage fuming as Bon Jovi stole the show.

rocknation 09-04-2014 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1181640)
I think the crux of the problem started with Doc Magee at the Moscow Peace Festival but resentments were probably already there.

That Moscow Peace Festival was exactly 25 years ago last month!

Jon said in an interview that the Crue were told no fireworks because there would be one big display at the end of the show representing all the bands. Someone pushed a button prematurely, thus the malfunction -- which is believable, since it went off before the end of their set.

P.S. Somebody told me back then that it's no accident that BJ's set ended up on one home videotape and the Crue's on the other. I called that a "ridiculous" conspiracy theory "even by MY standards!" But if they really did take separate flights home, why not?

Javier 09-04-2014 02:57 AM

Motley Crue have been doing their "Come on people get up! This ain't a Bon Jovi show!" for years now! Sometimes to get them to rally up while Tommy gets out his titty cam. I went to a show on their Red, White and Crue tour where a small portion of the crowd started going "Bon Jovi, Bon Jovi!" and not one boob was seen on Tommy's titty cam. It was actually kind of embarrassing. Are they still doing that??....

Becky 09-04-2014 03:08 AM

My friend Kelly and I saw them at some point in the 2000's and they did that, "This ain't a Bon Jovi show" line and I thought, "Yeah, if it was a Bon Jovi show, there's actually be people here." There was hardly anybody at the show. I'm surprised it wasn't cancelled for lack of ticket sales. It's so memorable for me that I couldn't even tell you who the lead singer was at the time.

Alphavictim 09-04-2014 04:10 AM

Since it's been Vince Neil since 1997, that's not hard to figure out.

Tommy also told one of the contestants of the casting show he was a judge on that he "managed to make a Bon Jovi tune cool" when he did LOAP.

KSantaFe 09-04-2014 04:21 AM

I have got to say that Motley Crue are one of the worst glam metal bands of the 80s. No class whatsoever. Dr. Feelgood is decent though.

Rdkopper 09-04-2014 05:34 AM

I love Motley and just saw them a few days ago. The band is tight but Vince's vocals are worse than Jon's. Nikki is the man! Tommy is annoying. Vince is a diva. Mick is just cool.

Yea, Dr. Feelgood is your typical 80's Bob Rock album but the prior albums are really good too. Especially the first two.

A band like Motley making fun of a band like Bon Jovi is just pointless. That's like The Stone Temple Pilots making fun of Pearl Jam.

I just think they personally hate JBJ due to his business ethic from back in day plus the fact that Doc just favored them aka Moscow Music Peace Festival.

Lampinen 09-04-2014 12:42 PM

Nikki says in the Heroin Diaries, that dissing Bon Jovi in the media was mostly an act, since he and Jon were friends. They'd go to dinner and laugh about it. Although he also says Bon Jovi's music stood against everything he believed in or something. Which I thought was kind of ridiculous.

DryCounty 09-04-2014 03:30 PM

Motley Crue is absolutely shit. Awful band.

Alphavictim 09-04-2014 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Lampinen (Post 1181650)
Nikki says in the Heroin Diaries, that dissing Bon Jovi in the media was mostly an act, since he and Jon were friends. They'd go to dinner and laugh about it. Although he also says Bon Jovi's music stood against everything he believed in or something. Which I thought was kind of ridiculous.

Nikki's been trying VERY hard to paint himself to be some kid of the underground scene, with a punk rock ethos and ton of credibility. He had a super image-heavy persona back in the day, and that never really changed. God knows he's not exactly a stellar bass player. And most of the super heavy drug use is also a work of fiction, as was the tale of them all being sober ever since Feelgood. He thinks he's his generation's Johnny Thunders, but he's more likely his generation's Pete Wentz.

I think it's awesome that the one guy to fall for Nikki's bullshit on this forum is Rdkopper.

Rdkopper 09-04-2014 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1181652)
Nikki's been trying VERY hard to paint himself to be some kid of the underground scene, with a punk rock ethos and ton of credibility. He had a super image-heavy persona back in the day, and that never really changed. God knows he's not exactly a stellar bass player. And most of the super heavy drug use is also a work of fiction, as was the tale of them all being sober ever since Feelgood. He thinks he's his generation's Johnny Thunders, but he's more likely his generation's Pete Wentz.

I think it's awesome that the one guy to fall for Nikki's bullshit on this forum is Rdkopper.

You are so wrong here on all levels. You should read the books first before posting stupid and incorrect facts. They admit to having drug slip-ups after Dr Feelgood. It's noted in The Heroin Diaries. Also, I'm not sure how a Nikki ODing on heroin is a work of fiction?

The dude might not be a great bass player but he is a brilliant writer. He wrote the lyrics for 95% of Motley's songs. He also wrote for other artists such as Lita Ford and Meatloaf, to note a few big names. Life Is Beautiful is a kickass song. He's got a great success story...

The dude knows how to keep his band going despite it having the same and limited success as a Poison or a Def Leppard. He is responsible for that band and I would put him just under Jon for his business credibility.

I read both The Dirt and The Heroin Diaries. He mentions how him and Jon would both get chicks together and how Jon would talk to them with his Jersey accent. It would piss him off etc.

Dude, just read the books before throwing insults due to misrepresentation of facts.

Alphavictim 09-04-2014 05:04 PM

Cliff notes.

-The Heroin Diaries takes place in the 80s, so I doubt it covers stuff happening after Dr Feelgood. Never read it myself, though. I only read The Dirt, and that's full of bullshit. (Flying knives, yeah, right)

-Nikki hasn't written a song on his own in decades. Life Is Beautiful had two co-writers, one of them a professional songwriter. Also, Mötley's lyrics for the past 25 years have been garbage. And none of this makes him a good bass player.

-You're out of your mind if you think Def Leppard had "limited success". Hysteria is one of the most popular rock records EVER. Also, it took Nikki a VH1 show to rekindle the interest in his band. And Live Nation.

-And it's nice that you read a book for a change. It's just that I've heard a ton of stories from people that were around the scene back then, and who have no reason to bullshit (unlike Nikki, who is constantly promoting himself), and they called bullshit on a ton of the stories. But hey, who would NOT keep a diary when all they had on their mind was heroin? Who would NOT rush to the answering machine to leave a cool message like "I'm not here because I'm dead" after they OD'ed?

Rdkopper 09-04-2014 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1181656)
Cliff notes.

-The Heroin Diaries takes place in the 80s, so I doubt it covers stuff happening after Dr Feelgood. Never read it myself, though. I only read The Dirt, and that's full of bullshit. (Flying knives, yeah, right)

-Nikki hasn't written a song on his own in decades. Life Is Beautiful had two co-writers, one of them a professional songwriter. Also, Mötley's lyrics for the past 25 years have been garbage. And none of this makes him a good bass player.

-You're out of your mind if you think Def Leppard had "limited success". Hysteria is one of the most popular rock records EVER. Also, it took Nikki a VH1 show to rekindle the interest in his band. And Live Nation.

-And it's nice that you read a book for a change. It's just that I've heard a ton of stories from people that were around the scene back then, and who have no reason to bullshit (unlike Nikki, who is constantly promoting himself), and they called bullshit on a ton of the stories. But hey, who would NOT keep a diary when all they had on their mind was heroin? Who would NOT rush to the answering machine to leave a cool message like "I'm not here because I'm dead" after they OD'ed?

- I read The Heroin Diaries and you didn't, yet you are going to tell me what's in the book.... This is why the world is the way it is and why I refuse to have a normal debate here with people like you. You are not worthy of my mind, knowledge and time.

- Nikki has written some brilliant lyrics within the past 25 years but just like in Bon Jovi, their lead singing can't pull off a decent vocal. I Couldn't Have Said That Better My Self ;)

- I do agree that Nikki's stories are a little exaggerated but that's all about his self promotion. Smart business man!

- And Yes, Def Leppard had limited success. They had a few big albums in the 80's, failed at everything in the 90's, and became a nostalgic touring act in the 00's and beyond..... As far as Motley goes, they had the highly successful Crue Fest. Check that out!

Supersonic 09-04-2014 06:06 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1181656)
Cliff notes.

-The Heroin Diaries takes place in the 80s, so I doubt it covers stuff happening after Dr Feelgood. Never read it myself, though. I only read The Dirt, and that's full of bullshit. (Flying knives, yeah, right)

-Nikki hasn't written a song on his own in decades. Life Is Beautiful had two co-writers, one of them a professional songwriter. Also, Mötley's lyrics for the past 25 years have been garbage. And none of this makes him a good bass player.

-You're out of your mind if you think Def Leppard had "limited success". Hysteria is one of the most popular rock records EVER. Also, it took Nikki a VH1 show to rekindle the interest in his band. And Live Nation.

-And it's nice that you read a book for a change. It's just that I've heard a ton of stories from people that were around the scene back then, and who have no reason to bullshit (unlike Nikki, who is constantly promoting himself), and they called bullshit on a ton of the stories. But hey, who would NOT keep a diary when all they had on their mind was heroin? Who would NOT rush to the answering machine to leave a cool message like "I'm not here because I'm dead" after they OD'ed?

I like this post. It being in English and all of that.

Salaam Aleikum,

rocknation 09-06-2014 05:08 AM

Motley Crue Bassist Nikki Sixx Undergoes Double Hernia Surgery

Nikki Sixx went under the knife...Sept. 3 for a double hernia surgery...(H)e has been in severe pain over the past few months during Motley Crue’s recent tour but played through it for the fans.

A break in the band’s touring schedule gave Sixx time to have the procedure, which went well. The rocker, who also plays in Sixx: AM, (states he) is recovering nicely:
“I have been performing during the last few months with a pretty intense double hernia but you gotta give 100% even through the pain onstage. The good news is yesterday I got surgery on both sides and it went really really well...I should be up and kicking ass in a few weeks and back in the gym/tour in 6 weeks. Looking forward to seeing you all back out on the road...

PS. Holy Jesus, it feels like I got kicked in the stomach by a horse. They gave me some pain meds but I am trying to not take them and luckily (my wife) Courtney Bingham-Sixx looks pretty hot in her nurse outfit…”

Motley Crue’s farewell tour resumes in Oklahoma City, Okla. on Oct. 10...Sixx: A.M. will release their new album ‘Modern Vintage’ on Oct. 7 through Eleven Seven Music...
Severe abdominal pains? In early September? A third wife half his age? Back on the job around October 11? Am I the only one having a deja-vu attack? :confused:

SuperBrad 09-06-2014 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1181646)
I love Motley and just saw them a few days ago. The band is tight but Vince's vocals are worse than Jon's. Nikki is the man! Tommy is annoying. Vince is a diva. Mick is just cool.

Yea, Dr. Feelgood is your typical 80's Bob Rock album but the prior albums are really good too. Especially the first two.

A band like Motley making fun of a band like Bon Jovi is just pointless. That's like The Stone Temple Pilots making fun of Pearl Jam.

I just think they personally hate JBJ due to his business ethic from back in day plus the fact that Doc just favored them aka Moscow Music Peace Festival.

Yeah , im with you ..... Nikki is the only real talent in motley . Ive seen them 3 times and loved it but its just a theatrical gimic show like kiss and alice cooper .

Faceman 09-06-2014 02:06 PM

Well, who gives a damn if they diss Bon Jovi or not...
It's part of their show. During The More Things Change Jon did the same with Madonna and Lady Gaga and Justin Timberlake and Justin Bieber. And if I'd take some time and think about it I'd probably get some more examples in mind where Jon said something about other stars just to get some easy laughs. That's showbusiness.

Rdkopper 09-06-2014 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Faceman (Post 1181697)
Well, who gives a damn if they diss Bon Jovi or not...
It's part of their show. During The More Things Change Jon did the same with Madonna and Lady Gaga and Justin Timberlake and Justin Bieber. And if I'd take some time and think about it I'd probably get some more examples in mind where Jon said something about other stars just to get some easy laughs. That's showbusiness.

I don't think it's about people giving a damn. It's more about the joke becoming old already. A hair band from the 80's with a pretty boy lead singer dissing another hair band from the 80's with a pretty boy lead singer. Really?

It comes down to Nikki thinking that Motley is a harder band because they O.D.ed on drugs / heroin and got into fights, etc..where Jon had more of that squeaky clean image. I guess Richie's problems don't count.... In 1989 that was considered cool but now it's just stupid and time to move on.

Image wise, Motley does have somewhat of a biker type of following where Bon Jovi has the JBJ Fanclub group... But music wise, it's the same thing however, Bon Jovi music is better. Besides "I'll Be There For You" being better what is the difference between that and "Without You"? Same shit!

I think it makes Nikki feel good when they boo Bon Jovi. It make him feel that they are in a different category... Not realizing that 90% of the people there would attend a Bon Jovi show.

Nikki has always been in competition with Bon Jovi about being the better 80's band. He has deep scars but he lost and it's time to move on.

Faceman 09-06-2014 04:45 PM

I'll stay with my post: I don't give a damn, because like you said: It's an old joke ;)

dcj28 09-10-2014 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1181656)
Cliff notes.

-The Heroin Diaries takes place in the 80s, so I doubt it covers stuff happening after Dr Feelgood. Never read it myself, though. I only read The Dirt, and that's full of bullshit. (Flying knives, yeah, right)

-Nikki hasn't written a song on his own in decades. Life Is Beautiful had two co-writers, one of them a professional songwriter. Also, Mötley's lyrics for the past 25 years have been garbage. And none of this makes him a good bass player.

-You're out of your mind if you think Def Leppard had "limited success". Hysteria is one of the most popular rock records EVER. Also, it took Nikki a VH1 show to rekindle the interest in his band. And Live Nation.

-And it's nice that you read a book for a change. It's just that I've heard a ton of stories from people that were around the scene back then, and who have no reason to bullshit (unlike Nikki, who is constantly promoting himself), and they called bullshit on a ton of the stories. But hey, who would NOT keep a diary when all they had on their mind was heroin? Who would NOT rush to the answering machine to leave a cool message like "I'm not here because I'm dead" after they OD'ed?

The irony of someone from not the USA who wasn't even born when Nikki Sixx od'd calling bullshit on it cos his mates told him it was. And as for songwriting,has JBJ really written everything on his own? He's got sole credits for Dry County but do we really believe he came up with the solo part to that?

Alphavictim 09-11-2014 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by dcj28 (Post 1181770)
The irony of someone from not the USA who wasn't even born when Nikki Sixx od'd calling bullshit on it cos his mates told him it was. And as for songwriting,has JBJ really written everything on his own? He's got sole credits for Dry County but do we really believe he came up with the solo part to that?

It wasn't my mates. There's other ways to learn about things than just via friends.

Also, I don't see what JBJ has to do with Nikki's writing.

dcj28 09-11-2014 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1181772)
It wasn't my mates. There's other ways to learn about things than just via friends.

Also, I don't see what JBJ has to do with Nikki's writing.

So you heard it on the grapevine then....

Not sure what made you type something about Nikki Sixx not writing songs on his own either...was there a point to that argument then?

Alphavictim 09-11-2014 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by dcj28 (Post 1181773)
Not sure what made you type something about Nikki Sixx not writing songs on his own either...

You mean other than the fact that this thread is about his band, and that there are credited co-writers on all the songs?

DevilsSon 09-11-2014 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1181646)
Yea, Dr. Feelgood is your typical 80's Bob Rock album but the prior albums are really good too. Especially the first two.

Typical 80s Bob Rock album, yeah? Yeah - when I listen to it, it's exactly in line with all the others he produced. Let me just list them quickly:

1980 - Pointed Sticks - Perfect Youth
1981 - Payola$ - In a Place Like This
1986 - Zappacosta - A to Z
1986 - The Cheer - Shot with Our Own Guns
1987 - Rock and Hyde - Under the Volcano
1988 - Kingdom Come - Kingdom Come
1988 - Colin James
1989 - The Cult - Sonic Temple
1989 - Blue Murder - Blue Murder

Cut whatever magic mushrooms you use and stop misinforming people RdKopper. You and rocknation are like non-sense machines. What the hell!?!

DevilsSon 09-11-2014 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1181654)
The dude knows how to keep his band going despite it having the same and limited success as a Poison or a Def Leppard. He is responsible for that band and I would put him just under Jon for his business credibility.

Limited success of Def Leppard?!? Hysteria is the 7th best selling hard rock album of all time, only behind (in this order) Back in Black, Led Zeppelin IV, Appetite for Destruction, Metallica's Black Album, Nirvana's Nevermind and Slippery When Wet.

And that is limited success to you? Pyromania was probably the most influential record since Van Halen debuted and outsold EVERY SINGLE Motley or Poison record. Yet you are talking about limited success? God damn it, take that dildo out of your ass and get a grip. You are talking crap!


I read both The Dirt and The Heroin Diaries. He mentions how him and Jon would both get chicks together and how Jon would talk to them with his Jersey accent. It would piss him off etc.
And what does that have to do with anything? Not to mention that it's one little story from 1984!!! They were in Germany and they were both getting a blow job from prostitutes in a twin-bed hotel room. Hardly a point in time to be representative of anything....but yeah. In RdKopper land everything comes together and makes sense somehow. Ding dong! IT DOESN'T!


Dude, just read the books before throwing insults due to misrepresentation of facts.
Pfffffffff.....RdKopper accusing people of misrepresenting fact muahahhaha :D What is the world coming to??

dcj28 09-11-2014 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1181774)
You mean other than the fact that this thread is about his band, and that there are credited co-writers on all the songs?

If you look really closely in the thread title there is another band mentioned.:rolleyes:. And I still don't get why it matters that he had help with songwriting. You ever heard of Desmond Child?

Alphavictim 09-11-2014 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by dcj28 (Post 1181778)
If you look really closely in the thread title there is another band mentioned.:rolleyes:. And I still don't get why it matters that he had help with songwriting. You ever heard of Desmond Child?

I'm not trying to defend Bon Jovi, brainiac. Rdpkopper said that "Nikki rules", I said that he's one major style over substance dude. One who hasn't written a song on his own in a long time (even on his solo albums), let alone a good one. So the "he's the creative genius in MC"-angle doesn't work. Whether Bon Jovi also utilized songwriters has nothing to do with that. If he had accused Tom Jones of being shit, would that have made him a better songwriter, just because that guy doesn't really do any writing?

Rdkopper 09-16-2014 06:04 PM

Hidden camera video of Nikki at a record store in Jersey playing Larry, a store worker. Without fail, he makes fun of Bon Jovi. Aside for that, the video is pretty funny.

Rdkopper 09-16-2014 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1181777)
Limited success of Def Leppard?!? Hysteria is the 7th best selling hard rock album of all time, only behind (in this order) Back in Black, Led Zeppelin IV, Appetite for Destruction, Metallica's Black Album, Nirvana's Nevermind and Slippery When Wet.

And that is limited success to you? Pyromania was probably the most influential record since Van Halen debuted and outsold EVERY SINGLE Motley or Poison record. Yet you are talking about limited success? God damn it, take that dildo out of your ass and get a grip. You are talking crap!

And what does that have to do with anything? Not to mention that it's one little story from 1984!!! They were in Germany and they were both getting a blow job from prostitutes in a twin-bed hotel room. Hardly a point in time to be representative of anything....but yeah. In RdKopper land everything comes together and makes sense somehow. Ding dong! IT DOESN'T!

Pfffffffff.....RdKopper accusing people of misrepresenting fact muahahhaha :D What is the world coming to??

Throw in all the nasty remarks you want. It still doesn't validate any of your arguments.

- Yes! Only 2 hit albums in 35 years is limited. Sorry Pal... Everyone has their own definition of limited and if I use Bon Jovi as the benchmark, Def Leppard had limited success. How many albums did Bon Jovi sell after the 80's? Not including Crossroads, it's over 60 million.

Hysteria was an absolute brilliant album for its time but after that they waited too long. Adrenalize was absolute crap with singles like Let's Get Rocked and Make Love Like a Man. The only reason why any of them even charted in the top 40 was because of the huge success of their prior album. Not because they were actually good..... After that, they released only 4 studio albums in 22 years all of which tanked hard.Their legendary status is bigger than them.

- Okay, so you read the book too. It has to do with proof of me reading the book but it also has to do with the fact that Jon

trevrox 09-17-2014 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1181855)
Hidden camera video of Nikki at a record store in Jersey playing Larry, a store worker. Without fail, he makes fun of Bon Jovi. Aside for that, the video is pretty funny.

What a loser! You can't make fun of Bon Jovi and get away with it.

Best band ever.

dcj28 09-17-2014 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by trevrox (Post 1181871)
What a loser! You can't make fun of Bon Jovi and get away with it.

Best band ever.

Christ on a bike,how sensitive?:p

trevrox 09-17-2014 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by dcj28 (Post 1181872)
Christ on a bike,how sensitive?:p

What's Jon doing on a bike?

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