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rocknation 02-27-2015 09:16 PM

Swedish man's heavy metal obsession is declared disability, gets benefits
Quote: In Sweden, a headbanger has succeeded in having his heavy metal music obsession declared an addiction that requires state disability benefits.

Roger Tullgren, 42, a heavily tattooed metal head who works as a dishwasher in southern Sweden, said he consulted three psychologists to receive statements testifying to the extent of his heavy metal music dependency..."(T)hey finally agreed that I needed this to avoid being discriminated against...

"I signed a form saying: 'Roger feels compelled to show his heavy metal style. This puts him in a difficult situation on the labor market. Therefore he needs extra financial help'. So now I can turn up at a job interview dressed in my normal clothes and just hand the interviewers this piece of paper..."

Tullgren...said his heavy metal addiction caused him to attend nearly 300 concerts last year that left him unable to hold down a job...His new part-time job as a dishwasher at a restaurant in the city of Hassleholm will be supplemented by disability benefits...
Holy crap, we've been going about this ALL WRONG! Wearing suits to job interviews in order to make the money to buy albums and concerts and Internet access? With our global reach, just imagine what we Bon Jovi fans -- I mean, addicts -- could get away with! If Richie really DOES leave, the resulting nervous breakdowns alone could be worth a fortune, LOL!

Becky 02-27-2015 10:46 PM

You can get a disability check in the USA if you can't pronounce your "R" correctly so this doesn't surprise me.

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