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TwinFan 09-30-2014 08:20 PM

Everything Will Be Alright in the End - Weezer's new album
So this new album is pretty damn great. As an album, it beats out everything since Pinkerton in my opinion. I can enjoy every song. It's definitely more classic Weezer sounding than anything since The Red Album, and is definitely straying away from the mediocre poppy trends of Raditude and Hurley. The album's been leaked since Thursday, and I've listened to it front to back several times, and it is just such a good listen. When Back to the Shack was debuted on the cruise this past winter and was later revealed to be the lead single in July, I definitely had my doubts. But, go figure, literally every other song on the album is a stronger/better song than Shack (with maybe the exception of Go Away).

It's streaming officially starting today on iTunes radio, and is scheduled to be released next Tuesday, October 7th, 2014. Their new video for Back to the Shack also just premiered yesterday.

My personal favorites from the album are The British are Coming, Eulogy for a Rock Band, I've Had it Up to Here, and the epic trilogy at the end.

1. Ain't Got Nobody
2. Back to the Shack
3. Eulogy for a Rock Band
4. Lonely Girl
5. I've Had it Up to Here
6. The British are Coming
7. Da Vinci
8. Go Away (featuring Bethany Cosentino of Best Coast)
9. Cleopatra
10. Foolish Father
11. The Futurescope Trilogy
a. The Waste Land
b. Anonymous
c. Return to Ithaka

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