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rocknation 10-07-2014 06:53 PM

Man Infected with Ebola Misinformation Through Casual Contact with Cable News
The Borowitz Report: An Ohio man has become infected with misinformation about the Ebola virus through casual contact with cable news, the (United States) Centers for Disease Control has confirmed.

Tracy Klugian, thirty-one, briefly came into contact with alarmist Ebola hearsay during a visit to the Akron-Canton airport, where a CNN report about Ebola was showing on one of the televisions in the airport bar. “Mr. Klugian is believed to have been exposed to cable news for no more than ten minutes, but long enough to become infected,” a spokesman for the CDC said. “Within an hour, he was showing signs of believing that an Ebola outbreak in the United States was inevitable and unstoppable.”

Once Klugian’s condition was apparent, the Ohio man was rushed to a public library and given a seventh-grade biology textbook, at which point he “started to stabilize,” the spokesman said.

But others exposed to the widening epidemic of Ebola misinformation may not be so lucky. “A man in Oklahoma was exposed to Elisabeth Hasselbeck on Fox for over three minutes,” the CDC spokesman said gravely. “We hope we’re not too late.”
But seriously, folks, here's some official info on the subject. And if we can figure out how to invest global military resources and personnel in killing people, we can figure out how to invest how to invest global medical resources and personnel in keeping people alive.

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