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Old 07-24-2013, 11:08 PM
Mysterytrain Mysterytrain is offline
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Originally Posted by OnceUponADime View Post
I understand completely and I thought the same thing, and I was also pretty pissed at what I read, and I commented without thinking about posting it here. I've been holding this information in for a week and after Saratoga and RadarOnline I couldn't hold back anymore. I realized that I should have posted it here first, so I deleted it. Then I came over here and saw that Mysterytrain already reposted it here and realized that it didn't delete. Now it's displayed under "Guest", which is odd because Disqus have never done that me ever. I also didn't want to go into detail on there as well.

My father just happened to be talking to his client and mentioned this whole Richie thing and this client told told him what I posted. He didn't ask for this information.

Like I said, this is not definite information, I don't blame you for not buying what I'm selling . I'm not completely buying it either, but I'm so sick of the negativity so I'm holding onto every bit of positive news.

Well one thing is for sure. It's NOT about drugs or money. He is a little burnt out as Richie himself has said, but what made things worse was the quote when Jon said "I expected an overdose from your family not my own," among other things. Yes, unfortunately Jon did say that to Richie's face, HOWEVER, from what I am told Jon has since apologized to Richie and now it is water under the bridge.

I don't know where RadarOnline is getting their information from but it looks like they took old crap and rewrote it.
I actually always thought the 'your-family-and-not-my-own' theory always had a ring of truth to it, as awful as it sounds to think a close friend could say that to another close friend. If your image of yourself and all that you have worked for is suddenly out of your control, and your life takes a turn you didn't expect, why wouldn't you potentially lash out at someone else close to you who usually has the 'problems'? Not saying it's the right thing to do, just saying I can understand how something like that could happen, in the heat of the moment.
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